What does success in Sixth Form look like?

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It takes hard work...

It is so important to work hard, that is what is going to help you achieve, but you also need to remember that you are #SGACapable. You can do this! It's OK to fail, we all do, but it's important to learn from it.


You are awesome

You are awesome!

This book does help you developyour confidence - #SGAConfident

Syed’s ability to have confidence in himself and his abilities led him to leave school at the age of sixteen to pursue his love of table tennis. After teaching himself his A Levels from textbooks, he began a degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford University and competed in the Barcelona Olympic Games in the same year. In 1995, he earned the title of British table tennis champion. It was this love of sport that inspired him to co-found the charity Greenhouse Sports which aims to empower children through sports.

Syed stresses the importance of creating a confident mindset and argues that, armed with self-belief, anyone can achieve amazing things both mentally and physically. You really are very awesome but you may need to know how to believe that this is so.

At the start, You are Awesome takes two children, “Kid Average” and “Kid Awesome.” In order to get their son off the sofa, the parents buy a table tennis table. Kid Average hates it, loses badly to his dad and decides it is not for him. He barely plays again and stays stuck in a rut. Kid Awesome, does not like it much either. He too loses badly to his dad but decides he is going to get better. He keeps playing and gets a little better. He loses to his brother all the time but gradually catches him up, before surpassing him. He joins a club, keeps playing and gradually becomes the best at the club. Ultimately, keeps practicing and ends up on the England team, which leads to the Olympics.

Kid Awesome is synonymous for Matthew Syed. He sees himself as the living embodiment that practice and hard work are more important than natural talent. With hard work and determination, practice and self-belief, there's no reason why anyone can't achieve anything. As you embark on your Sixth Form studies at St George’s, remember that you can do this, even if you are presented with challenges. Practice, be determined, be resilient and you will become Syed’s embodiment of ‘Kid Awesome #SGAcapable.’

Grwoth mindset

A Growth Mindset 

Carol Dwek wrote about a Growth Mindset in her book Mindset in 2006. 

A growth mindset is a belief that you can develop your skills and talents through hard work, the right strategies, and guidance from others

This Ted Talk is useful in understanding the concept and helping you be determined to succeed. It's by Angela Lee Duckworth 


You can do this!